Yes: iOS and Android and web browsers Amazon Kindle/Fire, running Android.
Yes, these are functions of the device.
Yes. Community, Admin and User. Community admin may have levels with system/user group administrator capabilities per login level.
Yes but we anticipate guidance of 2 types to achieve best results:
a) community relationship.
b) technical We plan to provide this support in beta.
a) Technical OYG.
b) Community issues, community admin.
The MVP may be more limited in this way but we are working on this and this may change before release.
There are 2 distinct modes of Teleconferencing:
a) between registered participants.
b) small to large groups and webinar type meetings.
Of course, an individual or group can do this. Software automates a dynamic posting of poll results. Poll initiators can preset software to send results to media and city officials upon reaching threshholds of participation.
Some people shy away from systems that want to know too much about them.
Only info to authenticate residence. Once authenticated, no information is required.
Contextual menus support correlation of database with posts and polls. Reasonable limits.
The system produces real tiem results of polling. Other kinds of reports may be generated as templates or original docs.
Yes, there is no sharing of user info with any partner organizations.
We will be able to accommodate 5000 discrete users in each community of around 15,000.
November 2023
How long would you expect a test to run?
12 Months
Do you have an outlooked full product launch?
December 2023
Mostly assistance with registering users and help with authentication.
Our business model is new. The website describes this. We plan to subsidize beta users.
OYG is innovative. Most features are in common us.
Our technical staff can give you specifics but records of poll results and transaction can be archived
Yes: iOS and Android and web browsers Amazon Kindle/Fire, running Android.
Yes, these are functions of the device.
Yes. Community, Admin and User. Community admin may have levels with system/user group administrator capabilities per login level.
Yes but we anticipate guidance of 2 types to achieve best results:
a) community relationship.
b) technical We plan to provide this support in beta.
a) Technical OYG.
b) Community issues, community admin.
The MVP may be more limited in this way but we are working on this and this may change before release.
There are 2 distinct modes of Teleconferencing:
a) between registered participants.
b) small to large groups and webinar type meetings.
Of course, an individual or group can do this. Software automates a dynamic posting of poll results. Poll initiators can preset software to send results to media and city officials upon reaching threshholds of participation.
Some people shy away from systems that want to know too much about them.
Only info to authenticate residence. Once authenticated, no information is required.
Contextual menus support correlation of database with posts and polls. Reasonable limits.
The system produces real tiem results of polling. Other kinds of reports may be generated as templates or original docs.
Yes, there is no sharing of user info with any partner organizations.
We will be able to accommodate 5000 discrete users in each community of around 15,000.
November 2023
How long would you expect a test to run?
12 Months
Do you have an outlooked full product launch?
December 2023
Mostly assistance with registering users and help with authentication.
Our business model is new. The website describes this. We plan to subsidize beta users.
OYG is innovative. Most features are in common us.
Our technical staff can give you specifics but records of poll results and transaction can be archived
Individuals can download OYG without charge and typically pay nothing for using features of their community network.
Communities obtain a license from OYG for an annual feel covering all community members.
Annual fee in 2023-24 is $0.75 per active user. On average, a community of15,000 residents will typically have 3000 active users.
Yes: iOS and Android and web browsers Amazon Kindle/Fire, running Android.
Yes, these are functions of the device.
Yes. Community, Admin and User. Community admin may have levels with system/user group administrator capabilities per login level.
Yes but we anticipate guidance of 2 types to achieve best results:
a) community relationship.
b) technical We plan to provide this support in beta.
a) Technical OYG.
b) Community issues, community admin.
The MVP may be more limited in this way but we are working on this and this may change before release.
There are 2 distinct modes of Teleconferencing:
a) between registered participants.
b) small to large groups and webinar type meetings.
Of course, an individual or group can do this. Software automates a dynamic posting of poll results. Poll initiators can preset software to send results to media and city officials upon reaching threshholds of participation.
Some people shy away from systems that want to know too much about them.
Only info to authenticate residence. Once authenticated, no information is required.
Contextual menus support correlation of database with posts and polls. Reasonable limits.
The system produces real tiem results of polling. Other kinds of reports may be generated as templates or original docs.
Yes, there is no sharing of user info with any partner organizations.
We will be able to accommodate 5000 discrete users in each community of around 15,000.
November 2023
How long would you expect a test to run?
12 Months
Do you have an outlooked full product launch?
December 2023
Mostly assistance with registering users and help with authentication.
Our business model is new. The website describes this. We plan to subsidize beta users.
OYG is innovative. Most features are in common us.
Our technical staff can give you specifics but records of poll results and transaction can be archived
Consensus defines rules of behavior, boundaries and values in a general sense. Views, like opnions, faces and finderprints may differ widely. In a democratic system of government, we say there is consensus on a position taken by a majority.