Wouldn’t it be nice if others would see things as we do? Neuroscience suggests it’s unlikely. Our brains are comparing patterns from our senses with patterns we’ve seen before. Feelings we had when the earlier pattern was stored set the priority for that memory and we recall the feeling before we recognize the pattern. Our day to day verbal interactions are typically ambiguous. When we say, “Hello, how are you?” we don’t expect a factual answer. We could be talking gibberish, we are not really listening. This is why ads work and Facebook makes money.
Most of what is transmitted in our communication, is how we feel about ourselves and each other. How we say things is more relevant than the words we use because what we are really interested in is usually ourselves. Depending on the contexts we may be inspired by joy or sorrow,. Thoughts we publish in chat streams contribute to the noise we call, life. And if that isn’t bad enough, there are predatory people whose business it is to interfere with your business.